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                                                                                          2025 TBA  


                                                       Friday October 4, 2024






Bringing Books to Life: the impact of narration on fiction

Author Spotlight: Mia Michele


It is often said that “writers write and readers read”, but this leaves out an important addition to the book experience: narration. While some writers choose to read aloud their own books for a variety of reasons, the impact of actors on bringing a story to life is often underacknowledged. Utilizing passages in two different books, Vale (a single-narrated audio book) and Faultline (a dual-narrated audio book), readers will join Mia Michele is reading, listening to, and discussing book passages, showcasing how the art of single-reader narration and dual-reader narration impact novels. Door prizes include audio versions of both books!



Unlock Your Potential: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Author Spotlight: Karen Coulters & Sylvie Kurtz


Join Karen Coulters and Sylvie Kurtz as they present "Overcoming Imposter Syndrome," a dynamic breakout session to discover how renowned writers, actors, and public figures have faced and conquered feelings of inadequacy. Learn practical strategies to overcome self-doubt and embrace your true potential. Gain candid insights and encouragement, showing that even the most successful individuals struggle with imposter syndrome. Whether you're an author, aspiring writer, or an avid reader, find inspiration and confidence from their stories. Unlock your creativity and transform self-doubt into self-belief.



So you think you're a Sleuth

Author Panel: Gail Chianese, K.M. Fawcett, Linda Parisi, Caridad Pineiro, and Stacey Wilk


Join us to solve an elusive and mysterious murder! Attendees will be presented with a crime scene and asked to review the clues and try to find out Who Did It! The authors will select a few winners from the attendees who correctly guess the murder to receive copies of their books and other goodies.



                                                                            Friday October 4, 2024




The Rhythm of Love: How music and dance set the mood and scene for love in romance stories.

Author Panel: E.S. McMillan, Judith Paolercio, Jillian MacGregor


Many writers incorporate music and dance into their stories. Music and dance set the mood for not only love but important scenes in the story. These three authors would like to discuss how music and dance help set up their key scenes and themes in their stories. **Panel will include a discussion and giveaway at the end**



Come One, Come All - the art of writing/devouring short stories

Author Spotlight: Marilynn Harper


Join Marilynn Harper, whose stories have bested the TikTok algorithm, in an open banter session where she will explain the ins and outs of delivering the goods her readers have grown to expect, while also maintaining a plot line that will flick you in all the right places.

Perfect for slump-sufferers, smutty newbies, or the trope sampling good-girls we know you are, Marilynn invites you to come….and get a unique peek into all that goes into creating the spice you crave.



They Shoot, They Score!

Author Panel: Stephanie Kay, Ella Haines, Skye McDonald, & Marianne Rice


Sports Romances are hotter than ever. Join this interactive discussion on how we write sports romance. As diehard fans, former reporters, and even former cheerleaders, these authors have front-row experience with blending steam and sweat. ;) Game on! As part of the fun, the authors will play a game with the audience and give away prizes. Don't miss it!



                                                                                Friday October 4, 2024




Kick A** Woman, And Tough A** Men

Author Spotlight: Lisa A. Olech


Lisa A. Olech leads an open discussion about creating characters that leap off the page, why we love them, and how to make readers remember them long after the last page.




Romance and Revenue: Helping Number-Nervous Authors Go from Money Mess to Financial Success (The tears-free method!)

Author Spotlight: Ella Haines (Ashley Guion, CPA)


The 'Write' Way to Manage an Author Business from a CPA-turned-romance author. Curious how top authors juggle creativity with the demands of running a business? Romance and Revenue reveals the top mistakes that can trip up any author and how to fix them effortlessly. Learn how to manage your author business in a way that doesn’t make you (or your accountant) want to cry.



Chocolates and Chill

Author Panel: Suzanne Eglington, Robin Stone, E.S. McMillan, Daphne James Huff, Archer Atwood+ (Mia Michele)


Join authors Suzanne Eglington, Robin Stone, E.S. McMillan, Daphne James Huff with our delicious Chocolates and Chill panel. Whether you like your novel with a little FF action, you prefer some diversity in your flavor palette, or you're a reader who likes to delve into a box of the good stuff while you read your smut, this panel has got you covered. Does your most loved book pair best with some dark chocolate? Are you more of a milky smooth kind of reader? Do you like to toss some white chocolate into the mix, or are you more of a mixed bag, I-need-all-the-chocolate kind of guy or gal? Our writers know how to spice up readers' tongues and this panel, moderated by Mia Michele, is great for those interested in discussing LGBTQIA+, multiracial, and intercultural romance. Readers will enjoy a taste of the sublime as we eat our way through chocolates and chapters!




                                                                           Friday October 4, 2024




Where'd You Get That From? Spilling the tea on where romance authors get their inspiration—and where they don't!

Author Panel: Ashlyn Chase, Skye McDonald


Romance blends real-life inspo with the author's creativity. But where is the line? Who’s writing a page from lived experience, and what’s pure fiction? Join this anything-goes discussion of where life and fiction intersect. Hear lines from each author's book plus behind-the-scenes details. Ask us anything and feel free to share a few never have I evers, too! ;)




Romance Charades

Game: Cheri Allan, Lori DiAnni, Cameron Garriepy, Sylvie Kurtz, Diana Rock, Jennifer Zander Wilck


Are you a fan of romantic movies? Are you slightly competitive? Possess a wee bit of dramatic flair? Join your author hosts and take sides in a friendly yet rousing game of Romance Charades where there will be teams, prizes, and laughter!




Things that go bump in the night: Heroes of Paranormal Romance

Author Panel: Anna Lowe, Jamie Schmidt, Marianne Morea, Sabrina Silvers


If what waits in moonlight and shadow leaves you breathless…if a low, sexy growl leaves you tingling, then have we got stories for you! We’ll discuss why shifters do it better, the appeal of the genre, our favorite character types, the importance of a strong heroine, and much more! (+ a chance to win a free book from the authors!)



                                                        Friday October 4, 2024




Telling Stories: the impact of heteronormativity and heterodoxy on LGBTQIA+ romance

Author Spotlight: Mia Michele


In recent months, a lot of media has brought attention to the phenomenon of straight women writing romance novels geared to the LGBTQIA+ community, with a special emphasis on Gay romance and the trend to write perception and fantasy over legitimate non-heteronormative relationships. Join Mia Michele in a candid discussion about this current trend as well as discussions of LGBTQIA perspectives and what straight writers can do to serve as allies to the community rather than misappropriating and fetishizing it.

Mia Michele is the pseudonym of a suburban domestic goddess, mother of eight, and former librarian. She has been publishing fiction for over a decade, including the acclaimed dystopian novel, Vale, and the Mafia romance hit, Faultline; her over twenty years of nonfiction work has been featured worldwide in magazines and professional journals. Alongside her husband, she makes up one-half of the author 'Peter Mia', where she writes self-help for couples in the BDSM lifestyle. She presents lectures and workshops on a variety of kink-based topics and can be reached at



Craft Corner

Craft Interactive: Andi Ramos


Join us on this year’s fun craft where books, fall season and romance tie together in a DIY project from Andi’s Craft corner. 2024 project TBA




Plots, Pants, and Plants

Author Panel: JC Brown, Lena Lane, Marianne Rice, Gia Coby, Jillian MacGregor, Andrea Jenelle


A discussion on the different ways that authors plot their stories, if they plot them at all. We will delve into the pros and cons of each method as well as ask for input from the readers themselves on whether they can tell the difference in the finished product.





                                                                        Saturday October 5, 2024 Below





                                                    Saturday October 5, 2024




Romance Vocabulary Lessons

Author Spotlight: Daphne James Huff, Archer Atwood, Jamie K Schmidt, Robin Stone


From Alphahole to Why Choose, let’s have some fun with romance vocabulary! An interactive panel discussing acronyms and expressions in romance—some we all know and some we’ve been wondering about. We'll hear from authors AND readers about the most mystifying terms in the genre, and hopefully find definitions we can all agree on!



Why Readers Become Superfans

Authors: Andrea Jenelle, E. S. McMillan, Marianne Rice


This panel will present ways to solicit and encourage continuous reader engagement. Some of the strategies and tools we will discuss include newsletters, ARC and street teams, exclusive FB groups and how to use Discord to provide exclusive content. We’ll also talk about leveraging social media, especially Instagram and Tiktok, podcasts and other live author opportunities, to get readers excited about your work.



Judging a Book by its Cover

Author Panel: Cheri Allan, Cameron Garriepy, Jennifer Zander Wilck, Gail Chianese, Gia Cobie



Covers are often our first impression of a book. So, what goes into the design process? What can be conveyed through cover design and what cannot? Join our panel of authors as we discuss our book covers, cover trends, our design process, our favorite covers and some of our cover regrets. Finally, we'll play a game to see if readers can match the cover to the blurb and put to rest the age-old question of whether you really can judge a book by its cover!



Why We Write What We Write.

Author Spotlight: Lisa Olech, Stacey Wilk



Every author’s journey to publication is different. And the reason she becomes an author can be as simple as a sunset or as complex as a snow crystal. Join best-selling and award-winning authors Lisa Olech and Stacey Wilk as they discuss the why’s and how’s of their unique writing journeys from dreamer, to writer, to published author. Chat with them about the moment they knew they wanted to be authors, a behind the scenes peak into their writing processes, and the importance craft plays in bringing readers the best books possible.



DIY Writing: Character Crafting 101

Author Spotlight: Mia Michele



Is it witchcraft? Is it a PhD in Creative Writing? Is it blind talent? Is it hard work and tons of effort? Regardless of how your favorite characters were created, it’s time to bring your notepad and a sharpened pencil for a do-it-yourself workshop focused on character development! Readers tend to fall into two categories: those who want story-driven reads and those who want to feel themselves (or an idealized version of themselves or those they know) in the characters. Both story and characters can drive a novel and create a lasting impact on readers. In this workshop, Mia Michele will walk through building a character from start to finish, both with examples of previous characters as well as building a character for an upcoming novel so that the process is seen in real time. If you are an aspiring or new writer looking for tips on how to make characters that will jump off the page and into your readers’ minds, then this is the workshop for you!




The Slow Burn: Where there’s smoke, there’s soon to be fire!

Author Panel: Michelle Windsor, Valerie Lynne, Jennifer Zander Wilck, Marianne Rice, Lynn Burke



The tension, the angst, the simmer that keeps us turning the pages until we FINALLY get to ‘The Moment’. Come listen to five successful romance authors talk about how we build that slow, sexy burn. Each author will read a small ‘burn’ scene, and ask and answer questions from the audience about what keeps them ‘pining’ for more.



Saturday October 5, 2024



Are Friends and Fiction a Good Mix for both Readers and Authors?

Author Panel: K.M. Fawcett, Linda Parisi, Caridad Pineiro, and Stacey Wilk



We will discuss how collaborations with other authors work, or don't, and how readers can make the most of box sets, series, and the exciting worlds created by authors. Attendees will be given tickets for door prizes provided by the authors.



Romance Card Game

Game: JC Brown, Lena Lane, Eliza Carter, Sabrina Silvers, Marianne Morea



It's like Cards against Humanity, but for romance readers! Join authors and fellow readers for a hilariously good time playing Romance vs The World. Authors set up the questions and guests anonymously compete for the funniest answer to win a prize!



First Draft to Final Edit

Author Panel: Daphne James Huff, Cheri Allan, Kristie Wolf, Jamie K. Schmidt, Thea Landen



A first page does a lot, and sometimes it takes a lot to get it right! Authors share what their first page looked like in the early drafts, what changed during edits, and the final published work. Learn from their experience about starting in the right place, grabbing the reader's attention, avoiding info-dumping, and setting the tone for the entire book.



Saturday October 5, 2024



Paranormal Nights

Author Panel: JC Brown, Lena Lane, Marilyn Harper, Becca Fogg, Ashlyn Chase



A Q&A type of panel where we would have a pre set of questions for authors to discuss things like our favorite characters we have written, our favorite tropes to write, why we started on this writing journey and what big projects we may have coming up in the future.



So You Want to be in Pictures

Author Panel: Caridad Pineiro, Nicole Mullaney, Karen Coulters



Authors dream about seeing their works on both the big and little screen. Join this trio of authors as they discuss the aspects of writing novels versus screenplays to see their works come alive on the screen and hear about the on set impacts to a script and its story.



Words and Wine

Author Panel: Andi Ramos, Thea Landen, Lori DiAnni, Suzanne Eglington, Michelle Windsor, (Mia Michele)



Are you the type of reader who pours a glass of your favorite Moscato to unwind beneath the trees? Maybe you enjoy uncorking an aged Red Zin to swirl with your favorite playboy hero. You might even be a reader who prefers the bubbly or a cold Pinot after a long day. Whatever your wine of the season, these writers combine sweet and spicy to make your vino go down a lot easier. Moderated by Mia Michele, Words and Wine is a fun discussion for those with diverse romance reads, from the super sweet up to the full-door-wide-open-sexy. A few lucky readers will win a copy of one of the discussed novels with the author’s pick of wine!



Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about...Sex

Author Panel: K.M. Fawcett, Linda Parisi, Caridad Pineiro, and Stacey Wilk



How to balance romance and sex in their stories and how to satisfy reader expectations in different romance genres, such as romantic suspense, sweet romance, and dark romance. Authors will provide some chocolate for attendees since what's better than romance, sex, and chocolate?



Senses & Sensuality: The Power of Writing the Sensory Experience in Romance

Author Panel: Cameron D. Garriepy, Karen Coulters, Jennifer Wilck



Kate Clayborn said, “When a romance writer makes use of the senses in their writing—one sense, or a combination of multiple senses (we must remember, we do not all have access to the same sensory experiences)—something powerful is happening. These descriptions are a deeply important part of how we represent the love we are capable of having for others, and the love we are capable of having for ourselves. ”Join authors Karen Coulters, Cameron Garriepy, and Jennifer Wilck in a fireside chat about their favorite sensory experiences as writers—and readers!—and how the senses influence their writing. Enter your favorite sensory example (a title, an author, a quote, whatever) for a chance to win a signed copy from one of our authors.



Location, Location, Location: How setting can act as a character and ignite a sizzling romance

Author Panel: Anna Lowe, Lisa Olech, Christine Donovan, Ashlyn Chase, Skye McDonald



A mountaintop chalet in a snowstorm. Dawn on a Venetian canal. A Victorian home with creaky floors. From an exotic island waterfall to a recording studio in Nashville, location can set the mood and act as a character in a novel. Join us in discussing our favorite settings, how and why we select and research locations, and much more!



Saturday October 5, 2024



A Week In My Writing Life

Author Panel: Daphne James Huff, Lori DiAnni, Gia Cobie, Sylvie Kurtz, Karen Coulters



Get ideas and inspiration on how to organize your writing week from a variety of authors at different life/career stages.What works for someone may not work for you, and it probably didn’t even work for them for long, either! Life and careers change over time so hearing from different authors about what their writing (and marketing) week looks like can help you better plan your own in a more realistic way.



Speed Dating Fictional Men.

Game: Marianne Morea, JC Brown, Lynn Burke, Kristie Wolfe, Archer Atwood



Come for a quick and possibly dirty round robin where authors introduce their characters, spill backstory and some of the tea, and YOU get to pick which one you'd like to date! Speed Dating with Trading Cards you get to keep! Swag and Giveaways to all participants!



Books and Booze

Author Panel: Emery Quinn. Sara R Stewart, Diana Rock, Eliza Carter, Mia Michele



Join authors Eliza Carter, Sara R. Stewart, Diana Rock, Emery Quinn with our Books and Booze panel! Nothing pairs better with a book than the main character’s favorite booze. Who among us hasn’t swooned over the sexy Scotsman with a bottle of scotch or dreamed of celebrating the “honey moon” with a Viking and a pint of mead! Whether you like your romance sweet with a side of tequila or spicy with a snifter of brandy, we’ve got writers who are ready to make you pass out from exertion! Moderated by Mia Michele, Books and Booze is a sexy good time discussion for readers and writers alike. A few lucky readers will win a copy of one of the discussed novels with the author’s pick of booze!

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